Thursday, June 26, 2008

St. Kitts: A Brief Introduction.

Here is a map of St. Kitts.  
If you look at the image to the right you'll see how far it is from Miami, Florida.

(Frigate Bay Beach, St. Kitts)

You all have heard so many stories about St. Kitts over the years.  However, I thought it would be a good idea for you to learn a little bit about this mysterious place I'm headed to.  The federation of St. Kitts and Nevis is a twin-island nation, formerly a British territory.  They gained their independence from Great Britain on September 19, 1983 (that is like our 4th of July!).  As a result of their British heritage there are several things that are different then here in the USA.  Some differences are :
  • You drive on the opposite side of the road there!
  • The steering wheel of my new car will be on the passenger side of my car!
  • Things are spelled differently too:  color - colour, flavor - flavour.
Here are some fast facts about St. Kitts:
  • St. Kitts is about 4,000 miles from NJ.
  • St. Kitts is 68 square miles (smaller then West Milford).  Nevis is 36 square miles.
  • The population of St. Kitts is about 33,000 people, while Nevis has about 12,500 people.
  • English is the main language spoken in St. Kitts & Nevis.
  • St. Kitts is a volcanic island.  Mt. Liamuiga is a dormant (non-active) volcano.
  • They use two types of money in St. Kitts:  the US dollar and the EC (Eastern Caribbean dollar).  1 US dollar is worth 2.65 EC dollars.
  • The temperature in St. Kitts & Nevis, on average is 80 degrees year round.  There are great breezes, and they have low humidity.
  • The capital of St. Kitts is Basseterre.  The capital of Nevis is Charlestown.

There are so many great places to visit on St. Kitts!  Aside from lots of beautiful beaches, there are old plantations, Brimstone Hill Army Fortress (a UNESCO World Heritage Site - pictured above), Romney Manor, the black rocks, the Golden Lemon.

There are also lots of fun things to do: catching some sun on a beautiful beach, water sports, catamaran trips, horseback riding, the St. Kitts Scenic Railroad.  
(South Friars Beach)

I hope you've enjoyed this installment of my St. Kitts Adventure.  If you want to comment on any of my posts or have any questions, there is a "comment" button underneath the post.  Click on it and you can write to me.  I hope you are all enjoying your summer so far!

More soon!
Ms. Vics


Ayla said...

Dear Mrs. Vics,
Hi! It's Ayla! One of yourold students. Wwhat I've heard about St. Kitts so amazing. I hope you have a great, fun, and awsome time in St. Kitts teaching seventh and eighth grade.
P.S. I'll never forget you!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs.Vics

It is Lauren from riverdale I looked at all of the facts and pictures of st.Kitts. it seems awesome.I hope you come to visit us in sixth grade next year. I will truely miss you so much. Willie, Danielle, my Mom, and Dad says hiand good luck in your new teaching job. once my brother and sister found out they were really upset because you were their favorite teachers. Hope to see you soon
P.S. You were my favorite teacher too.

shannon said...

Dear Mrs. Vics,

I think Zachary would like the Brimstone Hill Army Fortres. He loves guns and history about wars. Good Luck in your new job.


caitlyn said...

Dear Mrs. Vics,
WOW! i really can't believe your going to St. Kitts to live your dream! I hope you have lots of fun. You'll always be in our hearts and memories here at Riverdale! You were always my favorite teacher. The new technology teacher will never be as fun as you were. I'll miss you soo much, and I'll be sure to send you lots of pictures throughout the year! Good luck in St. Kitts!!

Caitlyn :)

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Vics,
wow st. kitts is beatiful!! i hope you are having funn :] i miss u soo much!! nxt year wont be the same without you :[ but im happy that your dream came true :]
miss u lotz!!!!!
-Sophia S. <3

Anonymous said...

heyy its shauna!!
you're new school looks so nice! i hope you have tons of fun working there. =] we started school yesterday and it definately wasnt the same without you =/ but we'll send lots of pics!! in fact we'll send you some today =D hehe miss you and hope you have the time of your life in st. kitts!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms Vics,
We miss you so much!!!!!!!!! The new technology teacher wil never be anything like you! Riverdale is different without you. I miss you and i am happy that you living your dream!
From Chris N