Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Tearful Goodbye!

I'm still sitting at my desk at Riverdale School.  It is the last day of the year, and I've just said my goodbyes to all of you, my students, who have been a part of my life for as many as 8 years.  The choice to move has not been an easy one, and saying goodbye to you today was one of the hardest things I'll have to do!  

You have all touched my life in so many ways...  you've taught me so much, you've made me laugh & cry.  You've shared the good times and bad times in your life with me.  I've truly been blessed to be your teacher and will truly miss each and every one of you!

Your cards (which I can't read because they are making me cry) will move with me to St. Kitts.  My new students will hear all about the wonderful people I know in a tiny town with a huge heart called Riverdale, New Jersey!

So, as  I sit at my desk here on the last day of school, my mind is full of so many happy memories.  Although I'm leaving the country I'm not leaving your lives.  This blog will be a place for you to share in my new adventure and for you to keep in touch with me.  

This is not goodbye.  It is a new chapter in my life... and I look forward to you all sharing it with me.

Remember if you are ever in St. Kitts - I'd love to share my new country with you!

Thanks for reading... come back soon!

I will always have endless love and gratitude for the past 8 wonderful years of my life here in Riverdale!

Ms. Vics


Anonymous said...

Ms. Vics,
I'll miss you so much. Good luck in St. Kitts!!
<3Sophia Spiridaks<3

Karlee said...

hi mrs. vics!
we miss you already and are so happy you decided to write a blog. hope to read a new section of the blog soon
karlee and shauna

Ayla said...

Mrs. Vics,
Hi! i'm going to really miss you. you were the best computer teacher ever! i really hope to see you again really soon! hope to read more stuff in your blog.

Ayla Markowski

sam said...

i miss you already! i hope that you are having fuN! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!


JOEY said...

I miss you so much i hope you are having a superduper fun time . will miSS you so much


ps i have to wate 2 years for you to com back

Katie said...

Ms. Vics~

im still trying to figure out how riverdale is going to function the same way without you! You were a huge part of this school. im soo happy that you're following your dream and moving to st.kitts. i'll send pictures of our 8th grade year!
Good Luck,
~Katie Fierro =]

Jenn said...

This year will be soooo different! Who is going to pick on josh?! jk! I wish you good luck in your new school. I hope you can come back && visit some day! Don't 4get us!!!

Anonymous said...

Ms. Vics,
This year has not been the same without you! I missed you while i was at PLHS. I'm going to let all of my Riverdale classmates know that you have moved to St. Kitts and send them the link to this =] Miss you lots and good luck !
Colleen Dougherty <33

myislands said...

Mr. Pricone and some other teachers have offered to pick on Josh - I had to make sure I had someone lined up - so no worries!! :) I will be sure to come back once I'm able to - most likely when you are in 8th grade!!! And forget you guys - NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!!!!!

Colleen - Thanks for writing!! I missed your class a lot this past year - you guys were really great! I thank you for passing along my blog link - I really do want to stay in touch with Riverdale - 8 years is a long time to just up and move and forget about my "Riverdale friends".

Hope you are all doing well! Stay tuned for more updates...

Ms. Vics

Anonymous said...

ms. vics!
i misss you ): no class will ever be as fun as mine. you never got borred with ours or at the dances when me&lexi were getting everyone to dance. or teachers vs. 8th gradeers which by the way we kicked butt (: i miss haveing that teacher to always talk to about. its preety confusing. alot of people are changing & its preety hard. if you still have your phone, im gunna try texing you tommrrow. i know you have my number alreadyy. i miss you ms.vics<3 visit soon!

loveeeee katie flynn<3
the biggest pain everr(:

Anonymous said...

heyy miss vic's it's taylor!!!! :) i miss u like crazyyy you know your a great teacher/pal love you email me at xtayx14@aol.com !!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ms. Vics
I miss you sooooooo much=[ i still remember you would always give me an extra smile when i would pass you in the hall way=]its not the same without you=[ and not being able to come back and visit u is even worse=[ i will never forget you! you were my most FAVORITE teacher EVER! in all the years that you were there i always liked you the most=]i have been doing really good and i love it at Morris County High School my cosmetology class is awesome=] i made the soccer team for the school too=]the teachers are nice too but not as good as you=]
Joshua Salazar
P.S- i hope you never forget me either.lol. cause i know i will never forget you=]


Anonymous said...

Hey!!! This summer has gone so fast. I was at the school the other day and i past your old tech lab and i immedintely thought about our last day spent together. Whenever I think about that day, I get upset because I know that im not going to be able to visit you when i go visit the other teachers. Im trying to convince my mom to go to St.Kitts over spring break because Dylan leaves for the marines the day after graduation. Im on the JV/Varsity field hockey team!=] I cant believe it! It's not going to be the same wiht you not at riverdale and not seeing your car with your little flag. I read what you wrote in my year book and it brought a tear to my eye...LOL my mom wants to know if you know what is in between the coast of Nikaraga and Coast Rico? I hope she says yes about going to St.Kitts for spring break!!! Just know that you are the best and that no matter where you are you have a big special place in my heart. You schould keep a mirror on your desk with a picture of me and a little thing that says "Your chain on your necklace in the front."=] I MISS YOU!!!. email me at xochelseajeanx13@aim.com
<3 Chelsea